
08/17/11 Micro Cap Value Insider Buys

PFIN:    P&FIndustries Inc. 10% Ownership : Brownstein Howard Brod  (Small Tools & Accessories    industry)   purchased 4,200 shares for $19,881  @4.68

Market Cap : 18.72M
Enterprise Value 34.47M

TTM ROIC = 8.86%
Historical high gross margins @ 35% for the TTM
20% YOY quarterly
Total Liabilities continue to drop yearly
this important change was pointed out in a prior post as the enterprise value drops faster than the market price or the spread between value and price improves but often overlooked

Current price is $5.18 : the post price was $3.30

Prior mentions of PFIN:

HNH :  Handy &Harman Ltd.    10% Ownership : SPH Group Holdings LLC  purchased  14,280 shares for   $185,715 @12.97

BDR :Blonder Tongue Labor    Senior Vice President : WESTCOTT NORMAN A       (Communication Equipment industry) purchased 285 shares for $ 485 @ 1.70
Market Cap: 8.32M
Enterprise Value: 10.12M

3.51 book value and 30 million in TTM revenue coupled with real estate with a market value potentially greater than at least half the enterprise value.

Important note: Own 20 acres of land in Old Bridge New Jersey and building totaling 130,000 square feet.